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IDE’s new board formed

Yoram Dvash, the newly-elected president of the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE), announced the completion of the appointment of functionaries on the board and the committee chiefs, according to an IDE communication on 29 December 2015.

"I feel we have assembled an excellent team that is well equipped to cope with the many challenges we have ahead of us," Dvash said. "There are a lot of new, young faces on board, but also members with decades of experience. As I see it, this is just the right mix of talents that we need to propel our exchange and industry at large forward. I wish all a successful and fruitful term in office," he added.

The new board members include:

Yoram Dvash - president

Yehezkel Blum - executive vice president

Shalom Papir - senior deputy president

Yaacov Ahron Shely - vice president and treasurer

Eli Shiri - vice president, in rotation with Yoram Harel-Haimoff

Yoram Harel-Haimoff - vice president, in rotation with Eli Shiri

Boaz Moldawsky - chair, finance committee

Eyal Fruchter - chair, judicial committee

Meir Dalumi - honourary secretary

Shai Schnitzer - honourary secretary

Chaim Volner - member of the board

Emma Janover - member of the board

Philippe Frey - member of the board

Herzel Siton - member of the board

Shlomo Eden - member of the board

Hani Israel - member of the board

Ilan Samuel - member of the board


Committee heads are:

Finance - Boaz Moldawsky

Judicial - Eyal Fruchter

External affairs - Meir Dalumi

Industry - Eli Shiri

Banks - Yehezkel Blum

Taxation - Yehezkel Blum

IT and Innovation - Shai Schnitzer

Strategic thinking - Meir Dalumi

Permanent membership approval - Herzl Siton

Member acceptance - Yoram Harel-Haimoff

Rough diamonds - Shai Schnitzer

Jewellery - Ilan Samuel

Israel Diamond Week - Moti Fluk

Immigrant absorption - Philippe Frey

Trade hall - Philippe Frey

Commemoration & honours - Yoram Harel-Haimoff

Sports - Yoram Harel-Haimoff

Corporate social responsibility - Emma Janover

Consumer affairs - Chana Israel



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