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Koa ring for fighting cancer



Nan Fusco raises awareness of pancreatic cancer by launching koa arrow rings featuring a spinning arrow through a single line of pave set diamonds represents courage as one move forward. 'KOA', the Hawaiian word for 'strong, brave and fearless' reveals when the arrow is turned. Rings are hand made in California.


Fusco said the idea is from her daughter, Erin who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. “As a Mom, I felt compelled to do something to help my daughter, so I put my efforts into creating a relevant piece that would help raise awareness and potentially find a cure,” Fusco said. “My greatest hope is that each time someone wearing the KOA ring gets a compliment, they will share the story and ultimately create a domino effect.”


All proceeds go to The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). The organisation fights pancreatic cancer on all fronts through research, clinical initiatives, patient services and advocacy.

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