| Hong Kong Jewellery 香港珠寶
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  • Jonathan Ive with his Knight Commander medal at Buckingham Palace

Sotheby’s to auction a ring made entirely of diamond



Jonathan Ive, Apple’s chief design officer recently works with renowned industrial designer Marc Newson on a ring made entirely of diamond exclusively for (RED) by Diamond Foundry and go under hammer at Sotheby’s (RED) Auction, an auction raising funds for the fight against AIDS in eight African countries that exhibits and auctions during Art Basel Miami Beach on 5 December. The ring which will be the first ever piece which has between 2000–3000 facets will be made to fit for the ring-winning bidder. Sotheby’s stated that the interior ring will be cylindrically cut out for the desired smoothness using a micrometer thick water jet inside which a laser beam is cast.

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