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  • United Jewelry

High-end fei cui market stable

United Jewelry specialises in fei cui jewellery manufacturing and headquartered in Hong Kong, the company owns a factory in Foshan with retail outlets in mainland China. Currently, mainland China constitutes 70 to 80 percent of their total sales. Other major markets include the Southeast Asian regions such as Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and Korea. Spokesperson of the company says, despite that United Jewelry offers a wide range of products at different price points, quality is always their first priority. They insist on maintaining the best quality of raw materials and products, which earned the company a stable customer base over the years.

Regarding product category, in response to the preference of mainland Chinese customers, ninety percent of United Jewelry’s production is green fei cui, while the rest are fei cui in purple or other colours. Apart from high-quality products and after-sales services, United Jewelry is also capable of offering creative design services. For example, under the prevailing trend of coloured gemstones in mainland China, they would use rubies or red jade in fei cui jewellery to juxtapose contrasting colours. Although such designs may not be favoured by Hong Kong clients, they are well-received in mainland China. In recent years, they have received enquiries about fei cui products from customers in the Middle East or India. For them this reflects that the popularity of gemstones has led more customers to approach fei cui.

United Jewelry specialises in high-end fei cui. While there are not many competitors, sales is relatively stable. Oppositely, competition in low-, mid-priced products is much fiercer. Besides, they have their own established product design, development and production teams in which most craftsmen have over 20 years of experience. The spokesperson emphasised that to design fei cui jewellery one must step out from the framework of designing gemstone or diamond jewellery in order to reflect the spirit of each piece of fei cui in the product. They are also able to supply unique products for different markets, which gives United Jewelry an extra edge.

Regarding the price, compared to low- or mid-range fei cui which experiences more fluctuation, the price of high-end fei cui is more stable without much changes, and quality rough has great potential in appreciation. The spokesperson predicts that there should have no room for price decrease for high-end fei cui in the future, it is because supply of quality materials is scarce. If the price increase is reasonable, buyers will still purchase as there are considerable costs in making trips to Myanmar and they have to buy materials if they receive orders from clients.

The Myanmar Gems Emporium is not open to everyone. To a certain extent it restricts the number of participants and not many people possess the experience and ability to identity high-quality fei cui. While a piece of rough fei cui could bring its buyer profits of dozens of times, it requires huge investment and professional knowledge. While there is no lack of investors in the market, without the knowledge and skills to cut fei cui, its value cannot be fully extracted. Therefore, it is still rather difficult for outsiders to invest in fei cui.

Under the current economic downturn, United Jewelry will continue to strengthen its foothold in each market. In the future, they hope to expand step by step and venture into Europe and the United States.

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