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World Diamond Mark® to strengthen diamond promotion

The World Diamond Mark® was launched by the World Diamond Mark Foundation (WDMF) during the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show on 6 March 2014. Rami Baron, president of the Diamond Dealers Club of Australia said in the press conference that the project is to promote diamonds and diamond jewellery in the downstream markets.

“We want to create an education programmes through which we can send unified messages all the way down to the consumers. The education system is to help retailers and salespersons talk to their customers about the significant issues happening in the diamond trade, for example, what is happening with conflict diamonds? What is the real story of synthetic diamonds? And answer their questions effectively,” Baron explained.

WDMF was founded by the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) in mid-2013 in Hong Kong, addressing the core issues of consumers’ desirability in the generic diamond market, consumers and media's confidence and integrity for polished diamonds, consistent high quality educational programmes and the commitment to ethical standards throughout the supply chain, according to Ya’akov Almor, communication director of MarketDirect Business Communications Ltd.

Almor also noted that a number of efforts had been tried to re-stimulate the generic diamond marketing, but none of them worked effectively by now because most of them were old-fashioned. In terms of specific planning, Rami Baron said: “We have planned 10 programmes throughout the year. Cooperating with strategic local partners, we expect to bring each environment with appropriate promotion methods which will be able to bring interests to the industry. On the global level, we have partners identifying eight industries such as logistics, banking and technical services, etc.”

Currently, WFDB has 28 diamond clubs around the world, with approximately 25,000 members. “Today 95 percent of the diamonds in the world pass through the hands of our members. We are also very aware of the impact of Asia. Involved with our discussion and analysis, we felt Hong Kong is in the epic center where today the diamonds are moving outwards,” he added.

WDMF has signed MoUs with organizations such as the Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), the Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) and HRD Antwerp. “Before the June Congress in Antwerp, we should be announcing our first strategic partner,” Baron said.

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